Social and Employment
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Joëlle T'Serstevens
6,500 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/12/04
Project leader
"I absolutely support this innovative project in this poor neighborhood, because it fits into a general framework of developing the living hygiene of the local population. Dental care is a luxury in this country, and the inhabitants of this neighborhood would have absolutely no chance to enjoy it with their own resources alone."
Joëlle T'Serstevens,
Ampefiloha Ambodirano is one of the most populous and poor neighborhoods in the lower zone of Antananarivo. All the urban problems seem to have clustered here: permanent threats of flooding in the rainy season, overpopulation, serious problems of hygiene and public health, precarious security, infamous underequipment. The extreme poverty of the 10,000 inhabitants of this neighborhood can be seen at all possible levels: logistic, food, educational, health, financial. In order to help these families, the Madagascan association ADSAA (Association pour le développement social d'Ampefiloha Ambodirano), backed by the French association Solidarité parasols-passerelles pour l'Espoir (created by a group of Air France employees) is developing programs addressing health, hygiene and education.
Access to dental care for the most destitute
Today, the two associations want to open a dental surgery in the very heart of the existing care centre. This already has a dispensary - which offers consultations, vaccinations and minor surgery - a nutritional centre for babies and young children, and a social centre.
A room has already been prepared, and only the equipment remains to be purchased (furniture, medical wheelchair, care and surgical equipment) and the water supply has to be provided (drinking water, installation of a washbasin and a wastewater disposal system).
This project is an ambitious one, because in Madagascar, dental care is a luxury reserved for the affluent, and dental surgeries are few and far between. This is why ADSAA will largely subsidize these operations to make them accessible to the patients. And to do this, the dentist will refund part of his fees to the association.