Humanitarian and Development
Ondougou Dah, Mali
Laurent Jeannin
10,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/12/04
Project leader
Comité de jumelage de Maîche
"This project is an absolutely necessary step for the sociocultural development of the commune and for improving the sanitation conditions of the population. It is eagerly awaited by the inhabitants."
Laurent Jeannin
In Mali, in the Dogon country, the commune of Ondougou has 5,000 inhabitants spread among 10 villages. At Ondougou Dah, the chief township, neither the school nor the health centre receive any water, even though it is only 400 meters from the village's single water point.
Comité de Jumelages de Maîche (a small town in the Doubs district) and Ondougou want to build a PVC water distribution network to connect one of the existing wells to two standpipes in these two buildings. The project also includes the creation of latrines.
The village well, which has never run dry, needs a pump to raise the water, filter it and store it in a small tank.
Comité de Jumelages de Maîche, which is highly active since 1989 in Ondougou in aiding access to water, health and school education for the children, has asked the Veolia Foundation to participate in the creation of the water distribution network. This help comes alongside that of the regional council of Franche-Comté.