Environment and Biodiversity
Brussey, France
Didier Eymard
20 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/03/31
Project leader
« The association's awareness raising projects, conducted with a wide variety of publics, and particularly those concerned with the topics of energy, waste treatment, water and the ecological environment, are completely in phase with the areas of activity of Veolia Environnement and are an integral part of the values of the Veolia Foundation. The association "Maison de la Nature de Brussey" has become an unavoidable player both locally and regionally, because it has secured recognition for its awareness raising projects and for its vocational training projects on environmental challenges. »
Didier Eymard
Maison de la Nature de Brussey, within the Centre Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement de la Vallée d'Ognon, runs conservation and enhancement projects for the natural heritage.
The objective is to make them accessible to the general public. It also works in the field of public education and training in the environment, particularly with awareness raising sessions (water cycle, energy sources, waste recycling, etc.).
At the regional level, the association has already reached nearly five hundred classes.
Conserving a natural sanctuary
In 1984, when Maison de la Nature de Brussey was provided a plot of 7.5 hectares on the communes of Brussey (70) and Ruffey-le-Château (25), it decided to carry out several development projects in order to increase the environmental diversity : excavation of ponds, hedge planting, fruit trees, groves, installation of bird and insect houses, etc. This was also an opportunity to create an educational medium for the association's public.
Since then, the project has materialized and the area contains an extremely rich and diversified fauna and flora. Today, it calls on the values of the Veolia foundation in order to reinforce the current means of upkeep of the site and to obtain its classification as a natural reserve. With a single purpose : the sustainable management of this nature sanctuary.