Social and Employment
Danthiady, Senegal
Michel Avenas
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/03
Project leader
In northeastern Senegal, in the region of Matam, the village of Danthiady lies within the limits of the Sahel. With the support of its nationals who have immigrated to France, the 5000 inhabitants of the village have created a Senegalese law association, ADDA (Association pour le Développement de Danthiady). In France, its relay and partner, ARDF (Association des Ressortissants de Danthiady en France), is based in Val de Reuil, in the Eure district. Joining hands, the two entities have been working for many years for the development of their community.
This mobilization had already resulted in several achievements since 1997, completed with the participation of a number of youths of Val de Reuil, in humanitarian projects. In a few short years, many facilities have emerged, including new classrooms, a borehole, a health station, etc.
Eight Full-Time Jobs Created
In the new project, ARDF and ADDA are working together to enlarge the health station and turn it into a genuine health center, including a treatment room, two hospitalization rooms, a delivery room, a pharmacy and a sanitary block. Eight full-time employees will be hired to run it: a doctor, a nurse, a midwife, a medical assistant, a medical secretary, two assistant nurses and a driver. There is a plan to buy an ambulance.
As part of the "Initiatives de co-développement" procedure, the French Embassy in Senegal is backing this new project financially. The Veolia foundation is joining in financially and will connect the project with other initiatives that it supports in this country in the medical field.