Social and Employment
Fameck, France
Dominique Delis
€ 8,000 to the Selection Committee at 2012/10/09
Project leader
At the start, UASF (Union d'action sociale des familles) created Cité Sociale in the 1970s, in the town of Fameck, in the Moselle district, to organize daycare for children from the working families of the local steel industry. Supplying the needs of the women installed at that time in commuter suburbs, the importance of this initiative was confirmed through the years, in the heart of a large urban community, which now has a population of nearly 70 000. Since then, hand in hand with the city and the social security administration of Moselle, UASF performs several public service missions aimed at children, families and nonprofits in the vulnerable urban area (ZUS) of Rémelange.
A space designed for meetings and social life
Today, to carry out its permanent projects for the women who visit Cité Sociale, UASF wants to have more space, and is therefore organizing two mezzanine rooms. They will be dedicated to comprehensive action for this vulnerable public. French language courses will be provided to enable these women to gain sufficient fluency to perform everyday tasks (adding up small change, filling in simple forms, reading a school bulletin, reading news for the families) as well as peripheral activities, like needlework, knitting, cuisine, table decoration workshops, and even cultural visits and shopping outings. By offering these new activities, UASF wants to forestall and act against the isolation of the women and young girls, the ambient sexism, the relentless debasement of women's rights. 200 women are covered by the project.
The Foundation is participating in organizing the mezzanines.
Union d'action sociale des familles
Domain: Environnement et Biodiversité
Country: France
Grant(s): 28/03/2006
Enlarging the Fameck "play" house, a center offering fun activities to 400 disadvantaged families.