Social and Employment
70 km northeast of Lomé, Togo
François Lagrange
4000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/03/28
Project leader
Lovisa Kope
« The president of the association, Marie-Claude Lovisa, did a tremendous job: she has devoted herself fulltime for several years as well as her money (until now she was the exclusive financial backer). The population elected her Queen of the Village! The vehicle will be a considerable help for this fast growing village »
François Lagrange
Created by a highly active French woman, Marie-Claude Lovisa, the association Lovisa Kope has been dedicated for many years to the development of a group of villages located northwest of Lomé. For example, she has launched projects related to health, education and food self-sufficiency. A farm, a school, a healthcare cabin and an orphanage have been created through the years. However, insofar as they concern the population of several villages, these facilities are necessarily quite distant from beneficiaries. Several children, in particular, have to travel several kilometers by foot daily to go to school.
The dawn of busing
To find a solution, Lovisa Kope applied to Veolia Transport. The company donated a bus worth 4500 euros, transported to the spot in April 2006 via the ports of Antwerp and Lomé. Offering 27 seats, it will transport the children to school, and also to the health center or dental center.
the Veolia foundation joined this simple but eagerly awaited project with a grant of 4500 euros for the transport and customs clearance of the vehicle. To the ultimate joy of the children, relieved from their long daily march.