Environment and Biodiversity
PACA region, France
François Brianchon
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/09/29
Project leader
A team of ten full-time employees, educational interns and fifteen unpaid volunteers are busy at work in the Comité Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement (CPIE) Côte Provençale (Ad Hoc Committee for Initiatives for the Environment), with the mission of educating schoolchildren about the environment - more than a score of different educational approaches in classrooms and in the field are proposed - raising the awareness of the mass public, project engineering and vocational training.
Atelier Bleu du Cap de l'Aigle is a recognized nonprofit, member of the national CPIE network and partner of the Mer Provence Côte d'Azur and Graine PACA networks.
For the last twenty-five years, it has been contributing to the conservation of the coastal and marine environment, with the aim of promoting responsible civic behavior, respectful of the living framework, participating in local development by integrating the environment, a factor for sustainable development, as well as the information and training of users.
Performing a pedagogical function with children, their families and the various professional networks, institutional or private
To meet its objectives, the Book of Resources has to gather together the information required by the various teachers and trainers; it has to meet a need for exemplary action, to propose tools and methods, gather together and share scholastic educational resources associated with specific environmental issues. Its role is to encourage the players to mount innovative projects, while proposing a training tool to help them construct a common culture for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean.
This founding document, in several parts, sets out the historic concept, the regulations and working modes, with the French National Education Ministry as well as various interlocutors, knowledge of the various publics, the main pedagogical approaches of education in sustainable development; in addition to the action datasheets, educational tools and bibliography, it offers details on the principal environmental themes: biodiversity, professional habits, fishing, leisure activities, coastal focus, macro wastes, risks, etc., for which raising the awareness of the public, especially schoolchildren - and through them, the families - has become a top priority.