Social and Employment
Lot, France
Jean-François Rezeau
20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/01/29
Project leader
Energy-saving housing, perfectly integrated in the environment, an offer of individual social housing accessible to a broad public, a springboard for work placement for long-term jobless persons by training them in the techniques of a fast growing sector: the creation of Entreprise d'Éco-Construction Lotoise (EECL) provides, at the local level, an answer fully consistent with three major societal challenges.
Installed for the time being at Catus, hear Cahors, EECL proposes buildings costing less than €1000 per m2, boasting optimal energy performance (less than 50 kWh per m2, and per year), in line with the priorities set at the Grenelle de l'Environnement conference. Barely having seen the day, this job placement agency, subsidized by the authorities, already has a fat order book. This should enable it to create five first jobs, and a score more in the second year, aimed at youths in difficulty, long term unemployed, as well as jobseekers motivated by this activity, thanks to working methods redesigned to reduce their stress.
A new look at proven techniques
The EECL model relies as much on innovation as on the rationalization of old building methods: houses oriented in accordance with the sun and the winds, wood frames with skins of clay-straw wattle, installation of Canadian wells or double flow CMV1 for optimized air circulation in all seasons, coupling of heat pumps with solar systems, etc. The company also privileges short and local circuits for materials procurements (wood, wool, linen, clay, etc.).
At the technical level, and for the social accompaniment and training of its personnel, EECL relies on the expert skills of the team of IFAPTE, its sole shareholder, which has been involved since 2006 in many projects focused on sustainable development of the territories, both for proposing tailor made training courses and for providing the municipalities with contractorship assistance.
The grant from the Veolia Foundation, alongside other public and private partners, will help to finance part of the starting investments: woodworking and cladding shop, purchase of tools and utility vehicles.
1 Controlled mechcanical ventillation