Environment and biodiversity
Milan (Italy)
Thierry Vandevelde
€5,000 for the Committee on 17/10/2014
Project Leader
Institut agronomique vétérinaire et forestier de France (IAVFF) - (France’s Agronomic, Veterinary and Forest Research Institute)
Agreenium changed its name to IAVFF (France’s Agronomic, Veterinary and Forest Research Institute) while continuing to work in the same field. This national public administrative and cooperation body focuses on agronomic training and coordinates veterinary teaching and research. The remit of this public body remains unchanged, despite its new name, namely to enable its members to work together to develop training and research strategies which they then implement via joint projects.

The institute coordinates a network dedicated to teacher training, education and supervision of general, technological and professional agricultural teaching, bringing together the institute’s members who take part in these courses. The institute also cooperates closely in order to devise agronomic training courses and coordinate veterinary research and teaching. IAVFF brings together public agricultural higher education institutions and research bodies.