Social and Employment
Pauline Danel
€15,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/01/18
Project leader
Adie Microfranchise Solidaire
"Once we finish this study, we will be able to respond to recurrent demand for tap repairs in condominiums. Our expertise at Veolia Eau Ile-de-France and our familiarity with these issues, particularly in dilapidated condominiums, enable us to offer our skills to Adie during the launch of this new franchise."
Pauline Danel
After 22 years of experience in financing micro-businesses in France, Adie now wants to go a step further in the counseling it offers to people in uncertain work situations but who wish to create their own "small" business. It has in fact found on several occasions that many persons, while appearing to evince an intense desire to create their own structure, actually lack a starting idea - in which field to do this? - or a market survey that is sufficiently solid to avoid subsequent pitfalls, or even commercial counseling: help in finding new clients, for example.
This determination to intensify its action alongside micro-businesses has led to the creation of "Adie Microfranchise solidaire", a concept of turnkey activities, which could be resumed on a large scale. Adie's new branch plans to set up closely targeted systems of activity, by investigating their potential markets, and will then propose them to several potential entrepreneurs. In addition to microcredit to finance the startup of their business, they can then benefit from pooled services like training, logistic support, pooling of procurements, a recognized "brand", input of new clients, etc.
"Handymen" to clean up the daily mess
In this context, Adie Microfranchise solidaire plans to set up a branch to deal with plumbing and home maintenance. Called "Bricolage et réparations eau (do-it-yourself and water repairs)", it will encourage the entrepreneurs to get involved in small scale repairs associated with home maintenance - assembly of a piece of furniture, installation of a curtain rod, paint repairs, etc. - and maintenance of their internal water networks - replacing defective taps, for example.
During the survey phase preceding the launch of the system - which the Veolia Foundation has decided to support - Adie Microfranchise solidaire will pinpoint the field of action of those it already calls "handymen" and will create a network center responsible for expanding these activities throughout the territory.
The new franchises can then develop their knowhow, repair leaks to cut the water bills of condominiums in trouble, educate, inform and train the public in small scale operations associated with water, as well as the more economic use of water.
The feasibility study of this activity will last through the first half of 2011, and the Paris region will then be the pilot site until the end of the year, and deployment will then proceed gradually to cover the whole of France from 2012.