Humanitarian and Development
Houndé, Burkina Faso
Bernard Cotton
€20,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/06/28
Project leader
Association pour le Développement des Adductions d'Eau potable de Bobo-Dioulasso (ADAE)
"I know about the project from the Greater Lyon/ Veolia Water Solidarity Fund. It is satisfactory technically, and is effectively followed up by all the partners. The infrastructure building approach takes account of a large number of local aspects, so as to have a comprehensive view of the development of the commune."
Bernard Cotton
Association pour le Développement des Adductions d'Eau potable (Adae) of Bobo-Dioulasso, in southwestern Burkina Faso, was created by professionals of the drinking water and sanitation sector after a wide ranging water resource upgrading program (RESO 1993/1999) funded by the European Union. The nonprofit supports and counsels the proprietary bodies for the technical and financial follow-up of drinking water supplies. For example, it provided the social prime contractorship for the VREO Program (Program for the Upgrading of the Water Resources of Western Burkina Faso) from 2005 to 2010, and has implemented drinking water and sanitation microcredit in sector 21 of the town of Bobo-Dioulasso since September 2009. The nonprofit is also responsible for providing proprietary assistance to the commune of Banfora as part of the Aepha 22 villages project (Drinking Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation) and for assessing the similar project of the 35 villages of the commune of Bobo-Dioulasso. It also provides prime contractorship for the decentralized cooperation project of the city of Narbonne with the commune of Karangasso-Vigué (in southern Burkina Faso), in partnership with the Veolia Foundation.
New wells, school latrines, and improved communal services
Today, Adae is engaged in improving the decentralized drinking water supply and sanitation service of seven peripheral villages of the urban commune of Houndé, a hundred kilometers from Bobo-Dioulasso, as part of the decentralized cooperation with the city of Saint-Fons (south ofLyon). The project has two components: sinking new boreholes, rehabilitating old boreholes, building school latrines and reinforcing the skills of the communal management and follow-up structures (water environment and sanitation service, water sanitation commission), in connection with the political reforms underway in the country. The operations follow the implementation of the Communal Development Plan for drinking water supply and sanitation, which sets the priority actions for the development of the commune. The project is followed up with the support of German cooperation, which provides the counseling necessary for its success.
Reinforcing expertise for new installations
June 2013
The Foundation continues to provide technical support to the Narbonne conurbation in the framework of its cooperation program with the commune of Karanasso Vigué in the west of Burkina Faso and Adae, the nonprofit set up to develop potable water supplysystems in Bobo-Dioulasso. Its volunteers working in this region inspected the quality of works carried out on the water-supply systems in the villages of Kien and Dan, that will serve more than 10,000 inhabitants to ensure that they met the required technical standards. They also provided advice and expertise to business organizations, the commune and employees of Adae. Their recommendations concerned the need to plan for development of the future installations and their maintenance.