Social and Employment
Queensland, Australia
Richard O'Keefe
36,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/05/22
Project leader
Australian National Scouts League
« I am delighted to sponsor such an important project in Australia. The support provided by the Veolia foundation to the aboriginal boy scouts movement will help to reinforce the efforts made with this community, left on the sidelines for so long. The Australian government has clearly understood that the scout movement is an excellent means to disseminate values and to provide markers for these youths who are too often borderline delinquents. »
Richard O'Keefe
In 1999, the Australian National Boy Scouts League engaged in a program for the aboriginal population. Five communities of Queensland benefited from the creation of scout sections. However, led by supervisors transferred to the region by their various employers, they suffered from excessive turnover due to the inevitable transfers of these volunteer scout leaders in accordance with their professional assignments.
Despite this difficulty, the experience soon proved to be a success. The scouts league therefore decided to train local scout leaders among the aboriginal population so that the region could develop its own scout movement independently. In recent months, 65 adult Queenslanders have thus benefited from this kind of staff training.
Fostering an aboriginal scout movement
Among the new sections, those of the six communes of Napranum, NewMapoon, Bamaga, Seisia, Umagoo and Inginou now need various facilities to expand their activities: the purchase of scout uniforms, satellite telephones and an all-terrain 4WD. This vehicle, which is indispensable in the rainy season, is justified by the rugged and very wild topography of Queensland, particularly around Daley River and Adelaide River. This partnership is fully supported by Veolia Australia.